I need help! Who do I contact?¶
If you are in trouble or simply need more information, you can contact GARRbox support from the Contacts entry on the Homepage.
I am a user, how can I use the service?¶
To register with GARRbox, your organization must have subscribed to the service. There registration is done with the IDEM credentials provided by your organization. After first federated login you can create an account with your username and password.
Who can ask for the service?¶
The service can only be requested from organizations connected to the GARR network who adhere to the Federation of digital identities IDEM. Users who are part of the organizations that have signed the contract can register and access GARRbox.
If my organization hasn’t signed up for the service yet, what can I do?¶
If your organization has not yet activated the GARRbox service, you can fill in the reporting form of interest.
I am an organization, how can I subscribe to the service?¶
To request the service, you can fill out the form by selecting the subject “registration request for my institution”. Once the possession of the necessary requirements has been verified, the GARRbox service team will provide the information to proceed with the signing of the contract.
What are the costs of the service?¶
GARRbox can be requested in two different ways: FIXED: It provides for the use of the service for a set number of users to which it comes assigned a fixed personal space quota (20 to 100 GB). In this mode user authorization is managed by GARR on behalf of the organization. FLEX: It involves the purchase of a fixed quota of storage space to be distributed between a maximum number of users. Allocation of quotas and management of authorizations is a edited by the subscriber. To find out the costs of the different solutions and request a quote, contact the service support.
Where are my data?¶
User data is hosted exclusively in Italy, at the data centre GARR.
How can I have larger personal quota?¶
You can request more space from the Personal panel. The request will be forwarded to the contacts of your organization. They will decide how much space to allocate. By selecting “More Information” you can get in direct contact with your contacts.
Is data backed up periodically?¶
I dati sono tutelati tramite replica multipla. Come descritto nei termini di utilizzo, non esiste un backup periodico dei dati degli utenti. È possibile che il team del servizio GARRbox faccia dei backup di servizio come preparazione a interventi di manutenzione straordinaria.
Are unilateral changes to the service possible?¶
No. The resources are guaranteed over time and there are no unilateral changes to the agreements. Users have full data availability at any time and there is no risk of it lock-in.
Why do I need GARRbox credentials in addition to the IDEM one?¶
GARRbox uses IDEM federated identity credentials for the most sensitive actions. For to allow the use of desktop and mobile applications, however, it is necessary to have some GARRbox credentials so you can conveniently access files from a browser, desktop client, tablet, smartphone.
I have a large amount of data, is it possible to upload them to GARRbox?¶
Yes. On GARRbox you can upload many large files (up to the exhaustion of your quota of personal space) from the browser and from the client. In the case of uploading large files, or nested folders with many files, the use of desktop clients is strongly recommended, in order to optimize the upload without risking partial uploads in the event of a temporary interruption of the connection.
After updating, the client shows error when starting synchronization. What do I do?¶
Perform the steps described in Updating the client. This should solve the problem. If not, contact us for more assistance via the Contact Us item on the Homepage.
I get synchronization errors/when I download a file I get an error. What do I do?¶
The problem is very rare but can happen. Usually the cause of this obnoxious phenomenon is a mismatch between the local state of the clients and the central state of the server. Send a message via the Contacts item on the Homepage, we will apply data alignment procedures. This is usually sufficient to resolve the mismatch.
Come posso chiedere l’esportazione dei miei dati?¶
L’esportazione dei dati a valle della disattivazione del proprio account è possibile solo a valle della verifica dell’identità e della titolarità sui dati conservati dal servizio coinvolgendo il DPO GARR. Alla verifica del soddisfacimento dei criteri di rispetto della normativa sulla Privacy, i dati dell’utente saranno compattati di un archivio compresso (zip o tgz) e saranno inviati all’utente tramite il servizio Filesender. Il download sarà possibile solo previa autenticazione IDEM su Filesender.
Ho cancellato erroneamente un file. Come posso recuperarlo?¶
In basso a sinistra, nel menu a colonna della schermata file, è presente la voce “Cestino”. Da lì sarà possibile vedere i file eliminati negli ultimi 30 giorni, selezionare, e ripristinare quanto desiderato.